venerdì 14 giugno 2013

Dante's Inferno..

Oggi sono pigra, quindi ho deciso di postare un lavoro un po' vecchiotto ma a cui tengo molto...La mia versione del canto V dell'Inferno (quello di Paolo e Francesca, tanto per capirci ;p)...

"Mentre che l'uno spirto questo disse,
l'altro piangea; sì che di pietade
io venni men così com'io morisse".

Today I'm lazy, so I decided to post a work a bit old, but really precious to me... My version of the 5th canto of Dante Alighieri's Inferno (the first part of the Divine Comedy). This part of the poem is about the love of  Francesca and Paolo (her brother-in-law) who committed adultery and got murdered. Their infernal punishment consists in being dragged together by the infernal wind forever, tormented by the memory of the time spent together.

"And all the while one spirit uttered this,
the other one did weep so, that, for pity,
I swooned away as if I had been dying".

Colored pencils on paper. The two on the right are Dante and Virgil

Detail of the beloved.

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